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theory BVExample = JVMListExample + BVSpecTypeSafe + JVM:(* Title: HOL/MicroJava/BV/BVExample.thy ID: $Id: BVExample.html,v 1.1 2002/11/28 13:16:30 kleing Exp $ Author: Gerwin Klein *) header {* \isaheader{Example Welltypings}\label{sec:BVExample} *} theory BVExample = JVMListExample + BVSpecTypeSafe + JVM: text {* This theory shows type correctness of the example program in section \ref{sec:JVMListExample} (p. \pageref{sec:JVMListExample}) by explicitly providing a welltyping. It also shows that the start state of the program conforms to the welltyping; hence type safe execution is guaranteed. *} section "Setup" text {* Since the types @{typ cnam}, @{text vnam}, and @{text mname} are anonymous, we describe distinctness of names in the example by axioms: *} axioms distinct_classes: "list_nam \<noteq> test_nam" distinct_fields: "val_nam \<noteq> next_nam" text {* Abbreviations for definitions we will have to use often in the proofs below: *} lemmas name_defs = list_name_def test_name_def val_name_def next_name_def lemmas system_defs = SystemClasses_def ObjectC_def NullPointerC_def OutOfMemoryC_def ClassCastC_def lemmas class_defs = list_class_def test_class_def text {* These auxiliary proofs are for efficiency: class lookup, subclass relation, method and field lookup are computed only once: *} lemma class_Object [simp]: "class E Object = Some (arbitrary, [],[])" by (simp add: class_def system_defs E_def) lemma class_NullPointer [simp]: "class E (Xcpt NullPointer) = Some (Object, [], [])" by (simp add: class_def system_defs E_def) lemma class_OutOfMemory [simp]: "class E (Xcpt OutOfMemory) = Some (Object, [], [])" by (simp add: class_def system_defs E_def) lemma class_ClassCast [simp]: "class E (Xcpt ClassCast) = Some (Object, [], [])" by (simp add: class_def system_defs E_def) lemma class_list [simp]: "class E list_name = Some list_class" by (simp add: class_def system_defs E_def name_defs distinct_classes [symmetric]) lemma class_test [simp]: "class E test_name = Some test_class" by (simp add: class_def system_defs E_def name_defs distinct_classes [symmetric]) lemma E_classes [simp]: "{C. is_class E C} = {list_name, test_name, Xcpt NullPointer, Xcpt ClassCast, Xcpt OutOfMemory, Object}" by (auto simp add: is_class_def class_def system_defs E_def name_defs class_defs) text {* The subclass releation spelled out: *} lemma subcls1: "subcls1 E = {(list_name,Object), (test_name,Object), (Xcpt NullPointer, Object), (Xcpt ClassCast, Object), (Xcpt OutOfMemory, Object)}" apply (simp add: subcls1_def2) apply (simp add: name_defs class_defs system_defs E_def class_def) apply (auto split: split_if_asm) done text {* The subclass relation is acyclic; hence its converse is well founded: *} lemma notin_rtrancl: "(a,b) \<in> r\<^sup>* \<Longrightarrow> a \<noteq> b \<Longrightarrow> (\<And>y. (a,y) \<notin> r) \<Longrightarrow> False" by (auto elim: converse_rtranclE) lemma acyclic_subcls1_E: "acyclic (subcls1 E)" apply (rule acyclicI) apply (simp add: subcls1) apply (auto dest!: tranclD) apply (auto elim!: notin_rtrancl simp add: name_defs distinct_classes) done lemma wf_subcls1_E: "wf ((subcls1 E)¯)" apply (rule finite_acyclic_wf_converse) apply (simp add: subcls1) apply (rule acyclic_subcls1_E) done text {* Method and field lookup: *} lemma method_Object [simp]: "method (E, Object) = empty" by (simp add: method_rec_lemma [OF class_Object wf_subcls1_E]) lemma method_append [simp]: "method (E, list_name) (append_name, [Class list_name]) = Some (list_name, PrimT Void, 3, 0, append_ins, [(1, 2, 8, Xcpt NullPointer)])" apply (insert class_list) apply (unfold list_class_def) apply (drule method_rec_lemma [OF _ wf_subcls1_E]) apply simp done lemma method_makelist [simp]: "method (E, test_name) (makelist_name, []) = Some (test_name, PrimT Void, 3, 2, make_list_ins, [])" apply (insert class_test) apply (unfold test_class_def) apply (drule method_rec_lemma [OF _ wf_subcls1_E]) apply simp done lemma field_val [simp]: "field (E, list_name) val_name = Some (list_name, PrimT Integer)" apply (unfold field_def) apply (insert class_list) apply (unfold list_class_def) apply (drule fields_rec_lemma [OF _ wf_subcls1_E]) apply simp done lemma field_next [simp]: "field (E, list_name) next_name = Some (list_name, Class list_name)" apply (unfold field_def) apply (insert class_list) apply (unfold list_class_def) apply (drule fields_rec_lemma [OF _ wf_subcls1_E]) apply (simp add: name_defs distinct_fields [symmetric]) done lemma [simp]: "fields (E, Object) = []" by (simp add: fields_rec_lemma [OF class_Object wf_subcls1_E]) lemma [simp]: "fields (E, Xcpt NullPointer) = []" by (simp add: fields_rec_lemma [OF class_NullPointer wf_subcls1_E]) lemma [simp]: "fields (E, Xcpt ClassCast) = []" by (simp add: fields_rec_lemma [OF class_ClassCast wf_subcls1_E]) lemma [simp]: "fields (E, Xcpt OutOfMemory) = []" by (simp add: fields_rec_lemma [OF class_OutOfMemory wf_subcls1_E]) lemma [simp]: "fields (E, test_name) = []" apply (insert class_test) apply (unfold test_class_def) apply (drule fields_rec_lemma [OF _ wf_subcls1_E]) apply simp done lemmas [simp] = is_class_def text {* The next definition and three proof rules implement an algorithm to enumarate natural numbers. The command @{text "apply (elim pc_end pc_next pc_0"} transforms a goal of the form @{prop [display] "pc < n \<Longrightarrow> P pc"} into a series of goals @{prop [display] "P 0"} @{prop [display] "P (Suc 0)"} @{text "\<dots>"} @{prop [display] "P n"} *} constdefs intervall :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<in> [_, _')") "x \<in> [a, b) \<equiv> a \<le> x \<and> x < b" lemma pc_0: "x < n \<Longrightarrow> (x \<in> [0, n) \<Longrightarrow> P x) \<Longrightarrow> P x" by (simp add: intervall_def) lemma pc_next: "x \<in> [n0, n) \<Longrightarrow> P n0 \<Longrightarrow> (x \<in> [Suc n0, n) \<Longrightarrow> P x) \<Longrightarrow> P x" apply (cases "x=n0") apply (auto simp add: intervall_def) done lemma pc_end: "x \<in> [n,n) \<Longrightarrow> P x" by (unfold intervall_def) arith section "Program structure" text {* The program is structurally wellformed: *} lemma wf_struct: "wf_prog (\<lambda>G C mb. True) E" (is "wf_prog ?mb E") proof - have "unique E" by (simp add: system_defs E_def class_defs name_defs distinct_classes) moreover have "set SystemClasses \<subseteq> set E" by (simp add: system_defs E_def) hence "wf_syscls E" by (rule wf_syscls) moreover have "wf_cdecl ?mb E ObjectC" by (simp add: wf_cdecl_def ObjectC_def) moreover have "wf_cdecl ?mb E NullPointerC" by (auto elim: notin_rtrancl simp add: wf_cdecl_def name_defs NullPointerC_def subcls1) moreover have "wf_cdecl ?mb E ClassCastC" by (auto elim: notin_rtrancl simp add: wf_cdecl_def name_defs ClassCastC_def subcls1) moreover have "wf_cdecl ?mb E OutOfMemoryC" by (auto elim: notin_rtrancl simp add: wf_cdecl_def name_defs OutOfMemoryC_def subcls1) moreover have "wf_cdecl ?mb E (list_name, list_class)" apply (auto elim!: notin_rtrancl simp add: wf_cdecl_def wf_fdecl_def list_class_def wf_mdecl_def wf_mhead_def subcls1) apply (auto simp add: name_defs distinct_classes distinct_fields) done moreover have "wf_cdecl ?mb E (test_name, test_class)" apply (auto elim!: notin_rtrancl simp add: wf_cdecl_def wf_fdecl_def test_class_def wf_mdecl_def wf_mhead_def subcls1) apply (auto simp add: name_defs distinct_classes distinct_fields) done ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: wf_prog_def E_def SystemClasses_def) qed section "Welltypings" text {* We show welltypings of the methods @{term append_name} in class @{term list_name}, and @{term makelist_name} in class @{term test_name}: *} lemmas eff_simps [simp] = eff_def norm_eff_def xcpt_eff_def declare appInvoke [simp del] constdefs phi_append :: method_type ("\<phi>\<^sub>a") "\<phi>\<^sub>a \<equiv> map (\<lambda>(x,y). Some (x, map OK y)) [ ( [], [Class list_name, Class list_name]), ( [Class list_name], [Class list_name, Class list_name]), ( [Class list_name], [Class list_name, Class list_name]), ( [Class list_name, Class list_name], [Class list_name, Class list_name]), ([NT, Class list_name, Class list_name], [Class list_name, Class list_name]), ( [Class list_name], [Class list_name, Class list_name]), ( [Class list_name, Class list_name], [Class list_name, Class list_name]), ( [PrimT Void], [Class list_name, Class list_name]), ( [Class Object], [Class list_name, Class list_name]), ( [], [Class list_name, Class list_name]), ( [Class list_name], [Class list_name, Class list_name]), ( [Class list_name, Class list_name], [Class list_name, Class list_name]), ( [], [Class list_name, Class list_name]), ( [PrimT Void], [Class list_name, Class list_name])]" lemma bounded_append [simp]: "check_bounded append_ins [(Suc 0, 2, 8, Xcpt NullPointer)]" apply (simp add: check_bounded_def) apply (simp add: nat_number append_ins_def) apply (rule allI, rule impI) apply (elim pc_end pc_next pc_0) apply auto done lemma types_append [simp]: "check_types E 3 (Suc (Suc 0)) (map OK \<phi>\<^sub>a)" apply (auto simp add: check_types_def phi_append_def JVM_states_unfold) apply (unfold list_def) apply auto done lemma wt_append [simp]: "wt_method E list_name [Class list_name] (PrimT Void) 3 0 append_ins [(Suc 0, 2, 8, Xcpt NullPointer)] \<phi>\<^sub>a" apply (simp add: wt_method_def wt_start_def wt_instr_def) apply (simp add: phi_append_def append_ins_def) apply clarify apply (elim pc_end pc_next pc_0) apply simp apply (fastsimp simp add: match_exception_entry_def sup_state_conv subcls1) apply simp apply simp apply (fastsimp simp add: sup_state_conv subcls1) apply simp apply (simp add: app_def xcpt_app_def) apply simp apply simp apply simp apply (simp add: match_exception_entry_def) apply (simp add: match_exception_entry_def) apply simp apply simp done text {* Some abbreviations for readability *} syntax Clist :: ty Ctest :: ty translations "Clist" == "Class list_name" "Ctest" == "Class test_name" constdefs phi_makelist :: method_type ("\<phi>\<^sub>m") "\<phi>\<^sub>m \<equiv> map (\<lambda>(x,y). Some (x, y)) [ ( [], [OK Ctest, Err , Err ]), ( [Clist], [OK Ctest, Err , Err ]), ( [Clist, Clist], [OK Ctest, Err , Err ]), ( [Clist], [OK Clist, Err , Err ]), ( [PrimT Integer, Clist], [OK Clist, Err , Err ]), ( [], [OK Clist, Err , Err ]), ( [Clist], [OK Clist, Err , Err ]), ( [Clist, Clist], [OK Clist, Err , Err ]), ( [Clist], [OK Clist, OK Clist, Err ]), ( [PrimT Integer, Clist], [OK Clist, OK Clist, Err ]), ( [], [OK Clist, OK Clist, Err ]), ( [Clist], [OK Clist, OK Clist, Err ]), ( [Clist, Clist], [OK Clist, OK Clist, Err ]), ( [Clist], [OK Clist, OK Clist, OK Clist]), ( [PrimT Integer, Clist], [OK Clist, OK Clist, OK Clist]), ( [], [OK Clist, OK Clist, OK Clist]), ( [Clist], [OK Clist, OK Clist, OK Clist]), ( [Clist, Clist], [OK Clist, OK Clist, OK Clist]), ( [PrimT Void], [OK Clist, OK Clist, OK Clist]), ( [], [OK Clist, OK Clist, OK Clist]), ( [Clist], [OK Clist, OK Clist, OK Clist]), ( [Clist, Clist], [OK Clist, OK Clist, OK Clist]), ( [PrimT Void], [OK Clist, OK Clist, OK Clist])]" lemma bounded_makelist [simp]: "check_bounded make_list_ins []" apply (simp add: check_bounded_def) apply (simp add: nat_number make_list_ins_def) apply (rule allI, rule impI) apply (elim pc_end pc_next pc_0) apply auto done lemma types_makelist [simp]: "check_types E 3 (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (map OK \<phi>\<^sub>m)" apply (auto simp add: check_types_def phi_makelist_def JVM_states_unfold) apply (unfold list_def) apply auto done lemma wt_makelist [simp]: "wt_method E test_name [] (PrimT Void) 3 2 make_list_ins [] \<phi>\<^sub>m" apply (simp add: wt_method_def) apply (simp add: make_list_ins_def phi_makelist_def) apply (simp add: wt_start_def nat_number) apply (simp add: wt_instr_def) apply clarify apply (elim pc_end pc_next pc_0) apply (simp add: match_exception_entry_def) apply simp apply simp apply simp apply (simp add: match_exception_entry_def) apply (simp add: match_exception_entry_def) apply simp apply simp apply simp apply (simp add: match_exception_entry_def) apply (simp add: match_exception_entry_def) apply simp apply simp apply simp apply (simp add: match_exception_entry_def) apply (simp add: match_exception_entry_def) apply simp apply (simp add: app_def xcpt_app_def) apply simp apply simp apply simp apply (simp add: app_def xcpt_app_def) apply simp done text {* The whole program is welltyped: *} constdefs Phi :: prog_type ("\<Phi>") "\<Phi> C sg \<equiv> if C = test_name \<and> sg = (makelist_name, []) then \<phi>\<^sub>m else if C = list_name \<and> sg = (append_name, [Class list_name]) then \<phi>\<^sub>a else []" lemma wf_prog: "wt_jvm_prog E \<Phi>" apply (unfold wt_jvm_prog_def) apply (rule wf_mb'E [OF wf_struct]) apply (simp add: E_def) apply clarify apply (fold E_def) apply (simp add: system_defs class_defs Phi_def) apply auto done section "Conformance" text {* Execution of the program will be typesafe, because its start state conforms to the welltyping: *} lemma "E,\<Phi> \<turnstile>JVM start_state E test_name makelist_name \<surd>" apply (rule BV_correct_initial) apply (rule wf_prog) apply simp apply simp done section "Example for code generation: inferring method types" constdefs test_kil :: "jvm_prog \<Rightarrow> cname \<Rightarrow> ty list \<Rightarrow> ty \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> exception_table \<Rightarrow> instr list \<Rightarrow> JVMType.state list" "test_kil G C pTs rT mxs mxl et instr == (let first = Some ([],(OK (Class C))#((map OK pTs))@(replicate mxl Err)); start = OK first#(replicate (size instr - 1) (OK None)) in kiljvm G mxs (1+size pTs+mxl) rT et instr start)" lemma [code]: "unstables r step ss = (UN p:{..size ss(}. if ¬stable r step ss p then {p} else {})" apply (unfold unstables_def) apply (rule equalityI) apply (rule subsetI) apply (erule CollectE) apply (erule conjE) apply (rule UN_I) apply simp apply simp apply (rule subsetI) apply (erule UN_E) apply (case_tac "¬ stable r step ss p") apply simp+ done lemmas [code] = lessThan_0 lessThan_Suc constdefs some_elem :: "'a set \<Rightarrow> 'a" "some_elem == (%S. SOME x. x : S)" lemma [code]: "iter f step ss w = while (%(ss,w). w \<noteq> {}) (%(ss,w). let p = some_elem w in propa f (step p (ss!p)) ss (w-{p})) (ss,w)" by (unfold iter_def some_elem_def, rule refl) types_code set ("_ list") consts_code "{}" ("[]") "insert" ("(_ ins _)") "op :" ("(_ mem _)") "op Un" ("(_ union _)") "image" ("map") "UNION" ("(fn A => fn f => flat (map f A))") "Bex" ("(fn A => fn f => exists f A)") "Ball" ("(fn A => fn f => forall f A)") "some_elem" ("hd") "op -" :: "'a set \<Rightarrow> 'a set \<Rightarrow> 'a set" ("(_ \\\\ _)") lemma JVM_sup_unfold [code]: "JVMType.sup S m n = lift2 (Opt.sup (Product.sup (Listn.sup (JType.sup S)) (\<lambda>x y. OK (map2 (lift2 (JType.sup S)) x y))))" apply (unfold JVMType.sup_def JVMType.sl_def Opt.esl_def Err.sl_def stk_esl_def reg_sl_def Product.esl_def Listn.sl_def upto_esl_def JType.esl_def Err.esl_def) by simp lemmas [code] = meta_eq_to_obj_eq [OF JType.sup_def [unfolded exec_lub_def]] meta_eq_to_obj_eq [OF JVM_le_unfold] lemmas [code ind] = rtrancl_refl converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl generate_code test1 = "test_kil E list_name [Class list_name] (PrimT Void) 3 0 [(Suc 0, 2, 8, Xcpt NullPointer)] append_ins" test2 = "test_kil E test_name [] (PrimT Void) 3 2 [] make_list_ins" ML test1 ML test2 end
lemmas name_defs:
list_name == Cname list_nam
test_name == Cname test_nam
val_name == VName val_nam
next_name == VName next_nam
lemmas system_defs:
SystemClasses == [ObjectC, NullPointerC, ClassCastC, OutOfMemoryC]
ObjectC == (Object, arbitrary, [], [])
NullPointerC == (Xcpt NullPointer, Object, [], [])
OutOfMemoryC == (Xcpt OutOfMemory, Object, [], [])
ClassCastC == (Xcpt ClassCast, Object, [], [])
lemmas class_defs:
list_class == (Object, [(val_name, PrimT Integer), (next_name, Class list_name)], [((append_name, [Class list_name]), PrimT Void, 3, 0, append_ins, [(1, 2, 8, Xcpt NullPointer)])])
test_class == (Object, [], [((makelist_name, []), PrimT Void, 3, 2, make_list_ins, [])])
lemma class_Object:
class E Object = Some (arbitrary, [], [])
lemma class_NullPointer:
class E (Xcpt NullPointer) = Some (Object, [], [])
lemma class_OutOfMemory:
class E (Xcpt OutOfMemory) = Some (Object, [], [])
lemma class_ClassCast:
class E (Xcpt ClassCast) = Some (Object, [], [])
lemma class_list:
class E list_name = Some list_class
lemma class_test:
class E test_name = Some test_class
lemma E_classes:
Collect (is_class E) = {list_name, test_name, Xcpt NullPointer, Xcpt ClassCast, Xcpt OutOfMemory, Object}
lemma subcls1:
subcls1 E = {(list_name, Object), (test_name, Object), (Xcpt NullPointer, Object), (Xcpt ClassCast, Object), (Xcpt OutOfMemory, Object)}
lemma notin_rtrancl:
[| (a, b) : r^*; a ~= b; !!y. (a, y) ~: r |] ==> False
lemma acyclic_subcls1_E:
acyclic (subcls1 E)
lemma wf_subcls1_E:
wf ((subcls1 E)^-1)
lemma method_Object:
method (E, Object) = empty
lemma method_append:
method (E, list_name) (append_name, [Class list_name]) = Some (list_name, PrimT Void, 3, 0, append_ins, [(1, 2, 8, Xcpt NullPointer)])
lemma method_makelist:
method (E, test_name) (makelist_name, []) = Some (test_name, PrimT Void, 3, 2, make_list_ins, [])
lemma field_val:
field (E, list_name) val_name = Some (list_name, PrimT Integer)
lemma field_next:
field (E, list_name) next_name = Some (list_name, Class list_name)
fields (E, Object) = []
fields (E, Xcpt NullPointer) = []
fields (E, Xcpt ClassCast) = []
fields (E, Xcpt OutOfMemory) = []
fields (E, test_name) = []
is_class G C == class G C ~= None
lemma pc_0:
[| x < n; x \<in> [0, n) ==> P x |] ==> P x
lemma pc_next:
[| x \<in> [n0, n); P n0; x \<in> [Suc n0, n) ==> P x |] ==> P x
lemma pc_end:
x \<in> [n, n) ==> P x
lemma wf_struct:
wf_prog (%G C mb. True) E
lemmas eff_simps:
eff i G pc et s == map (%pc'. (pc', norm_eff i G s)) (succs i pc) @ xcpt_eff i G pc s et
norm_eff i G == option_map (%s. eff' (i, G, s))
xcpt_eff i G pc s et == map (%C. (the (match_exception_table G C pc et), case s of None => None | Some s' => Some ([Class C], snd s'))) (xcpt_names (i, G, pc, et))
lemma bounded_append:
check_bounded append_ins [(Suc 0, 2, 8, Xcpt NullPointer)]
lemma types_append:
check_types E 3 (Suc (Suc 0)) (map OK \<phi>\<^sub>a)
lemma wt_append:
wt_method E list_name [Class list_name] (PrimT Void) 3 0 append_ins [(Suc 0, 2, 8, Xcpt NullPointer)] \<phi>\<^sub>a
lemma bounded_makelist:
check_bounded make_list_ins []
lemma types_makelist:
check_types E 3 (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (map OK \<phi>\<^sub>m)
lemma wt_makelist:
wt_method E test_name [] (PrimT Void) 3 2 make_list_ins [] \<phi>\<^sub>m
lemma wf_prog:
wt_jvm_prog E \<Phi>
E,\<Phi> |-JVM start_state E test_name makelist_name [ok]
unstables r step ss = (UN p:{..length ss(}. if ¬ stable r step ss p then {p} else {})
{..0(} = {}
{..Suc k(} = insert k {..k(}
iter f step ss w = while (%(ss, w). w ~= {}) (%(ss, w). let p = some_elem w in propa f (step p (ss ! p)) ss (w - {p})) (ss, w)
lemma JVM_sup_unfold:
JVMType.sup S m n = lift2 (Opt.sup (Product.sup (Listn.sup (JType.sup S)) (%x y. OK (map2 (lift2 (JType.sup S)) x y))))
JType.sup G_1 T1_1 T2_1 = (case T1_1 of PrimT P1 => case T2_1 of PrimT P2 => if P1 = P2 then OK (PrimT P1) else Err | RefT R => Err | RefT R1 => case T2_1 of PrimT P => Err | RefT R2 => case R1 of NullT => case R2 of NullT => OK NT | ClassT C => OK (Class C) | ClassT C => case R2 of NullT => OK (Class C) | ClassT D => OK (Class (while (%z. (C, z) ~: (subcls1 G_1)^*) (super G_1) D)))
JVMType.le S_1 m_1 n_1 = Err.le (Opt.le (Product.le (Listn.le (subtype S_1)) (Listn.le (Err.le (subtype S_1)))))
(a, a) : r^*
[| (a, b) : r; (b, c) : r^* |] ==> (a, c) : r^*