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theory JVMState = Conform:(* Title: HOL/MicroJava/JVM/JVMState.thy ID: $Id: JVMState.html,v 1.1 2002/11/28 14:17:20 kleing Exp $ Author: Cornelia Pusch, Gerwin Klein Copyright 1999 Technische Universitaet Muenchen *) header {* \chapter{Java Virtual Machine}\label{cha:jvm} \isaheader{State of the JVM} *} theory JVMState = Conform: section {* Frame Stack *} types opstack = "val list" locvars = "val list" p_count = nat ref_upd = "(val × val)" frame = "opstack × locvars × cname × sig × p_count × ref_upd" -- "operand stack" -- "local variables (including this pointer and method parameters)" -- "name of class where current method is defined" -- "method name + parameter types" -- "program counter within frame" -- "ref update for obj init proof" section {* Exceptions *} constdefs raise_system_xcpt :: "bool \<Rightarrow> xcpt \<Rightarrow> val option" "raise_system_xcpt b x \<equiv> if b then Some (Addr (XcptRef x)) else None" -- "redefines State.new\\_Addr:" new_Addr :: "aheap \<Rightarrow> loc × val option" "new_Addr h \<equiv> let (a, x) = State.new_Addr h in (a, raise_system_xcpt (x ~= None) OutOfMemory)" types init_heap = "loc \<Rightarrow> init_ty" -- "type tags to track init status of objects" jvm_state = "val option × aheap × init_heap × frame list" -- "exception flag, heap, tag heap, frames" text {* a new, blank object with default values in all fields: *} constdefs blank :: "'c prog \<Rightarrow> cname \<Rightarrow> obj" "blank G C \<equiv> (C,init_vars (fields(G,C)))" start_heap :: "'c prog \<Rightarrow> aheap" "start_heap G \<equiv> empty (XcptRef NullPointer \<mapsto> blank G (Xcpt NullPointer)) (XcptRef ClassCast \<mapsto> blank G (Xcpt ClassCast)) (XcptRef OutOfMemory \<mapsto> blank G (Xcpt OutOfMemory))" start_iheap :: init_heap "start_iheap \<equiv> (((\<lambda>x. arbitrary) (XcptRef NullPointer := Init (Class (Xcpt NullPointer)))) (XcptRef ClassCast := Init (Class (Xcpt ClassCast)))) (XcptRef OutOfMemory := Init (Class ((Xcpt OutOfMemory))))" section {* Lemmas *} lemma new_AddrD: assumes new: "new_Addr hp = (ref, xcp)" shows "hp ref = None \<and> xcp = None \<or> xcp = Some (Addr (XcptRef OutOfMemory))" proof - from new obtain xcpT where old: "State.new_Addr hp = (ref,xcpT)" by (cases "State.new_Addr hp") (simp add: new_Addr_def) from this [symmetric] have "hp ref = None \<and> xcpT = None \<or> xcpT = Some OutOfMemory" by (rule State.new_AddrD) with new old show ?thesis by (auto simp add: new_Addr_def raise_system_xcpt_def) qed lemma new_Addr_OutOfMemory: "snd (new_Addr hp) = Some xcp \<Longrightarrow> xcp = Addr (XcptRef OutOfMemory)" proof - obtain ref xp where "new_Addr hp = (ref, xp)" by (cases "new_Addr hp") moreover assume "snd (new_Addr hp) = Some xcp" ultimately show ?thesis by (auto dest: new_AddrD) qed end
JVMState.new_Addr hp = (ref, xcp) ==> hp ref = None & xcp = None | xcp = Some (Addr (XcptRef OutOfMemory))
lemma new_Addr_OutOfMemory:
snd (JVMState.new_Addr hp) = Some xcp ==> xcp = Addr (XcptRef OutOfMemory)