Theory Effect

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theory Effect = JVMType + JVMExec:
(*  Title:      HOL/MicroJava/BV/Effect.thy
    ID:         $Id: Effect.html,v 1.1 2002/11/28 14:17:20 kleing Exp $
    Author:     Gerwin Klein
    Copyright   2000 Technische Universitaet Muenchen

header {* \isaheader{Effect of Instructions on the State Type} *}

theory Effect = JVMType + JVMExec:

  succ_type = "(p_count × address_type) list"

  the_RA :: "init_ty err \<Rightarrow> nat"
recdef the_RA "{}"
  "the_RA (OK (Init (RA pc))) = pc"

  theRA :: "nat \<Rightarrow> state_bool \<Rightarrow> nat"
  "theRA x s \<equiv> the_RA (snd (fst s)!x)"

text {* Program counter of successor instructions: *}
  succs :: "instr \<Rightarrow> p_count \<Rightarrow> address_type \<Rightarrow> p_count list"
  "succs (Load idx) pc s       = [pc+1]"
  "succs (Store idx) pc s      = [pc+1]"
  "succs (LitPush v) pc s      = [pc+1]"
  "succs (Getfield F C) pc s   = [pc+1]"
  "succs (Putfield F C) pc s   = [pc+1]"
  "succs (New C) pc s          = [pc+1]"
  "succs (Checkcast C) pc s    = [pc+1]"
  "succs Pop pc s              = [pc+1]"
  "succs Dup pc s              = [pc+1]"
  "succs Dup_x1 pc s           = [pc+1]"
  "succs Dup_x2 pc s           = [pc+1]"
  "succs Swap pc s             = [pc+1]"
  "succs IAdd pc s             = [pc+1]"
  "succs (Ifcmpeq b) pc s      = [pc+1, nat (int pc + b)]"
  "succs (Goto b) pc s         = [nat (int pc + b)]"
  "succs Return pc s           = []"  
  "succs (Invoke C mn fpTs) pc s = [pc+1]"
  "succs (Invoke_special C mn fpTs) pc s
                               = [pc+1]"
  "succs Throw pc s            = []"
  "succs (Jsr b) pc s          = [nat (int pc + b)]"
  "succs (Ret x) pc s          = (SOME l. set l = theRA x ` s)"

consts theClass :: "init_ty \<Rightarrow> ty"
  "theClass (PartInit C)  = Class C"
  "theClass (UnInit C pc) = Class C"

text "Effect of instruction on the state type:"
eff' :: "instr × jvm_prog × p_count × state_type \<Rightarrow> state_type"

recdef eff' "{}"
"eff' (Load idx,  G, pc, (ST, LT))          = (ok_val (LT ! idx) # ST, LT)"
"eff' (Store idx, G, pc, (ts#ST, LT))       = (ST, LT[idx:= OK ts])"
"eff' (LitPush v, G, pc, (ST, LT))          = (Init (the (typeof (\<lambda>v. None) v))#ST, LT)"
"eff' (Getfield F C, G, pc, (oT#ST, LT))    = (Init (snd (the (field (G,C) F)))#ST, LT)"
"eff' (Putfield F C, G, pc, (vT#oT#ST, LT)) = (ST,LT)"
"eff' (New C, G, pc, (ST,LT))               = (UnInit C pc # ST, replace (OK (UnInit C pc)) Err LT)"
"eff' (Checkcast C,G,pc,(Init (RefT t)#ST,LT)) = (Init (Class C) # ST,LT)"
"eff' (Pop, G, pc, (ts#ST,LT))              = (ST,LT)"
"eff' (Dup, G, pc, (ts#ST,LT))              = (ts#ts#ST,LT)"
"eff' (Dup_x1, G, pc, (ts1#ts2#ST,LT))      = (ts1#ts2#ts1#ST,LT)"
"eff' (Dup_x2, G, pc, (ts1#ts2#ts3#ST,LT))  = (ts1#ts2#ts3#ts1#ST,LT)"
"eff' (Swap, G, pc, (ts1#ts2#ST,LT))        = (ts2#ts1#ST,LT)"
"eff' (IAdd, G, pc, (t1#t2#ST,LT))          = (Init (PrimT Integer)#ST,LT)"
"eff' (Ifcmpeq b, G, pc, (ts1#ts2#ST,LT))   = (ST,LT)"
"eff' (Goto b, G, pc, s)                    = s"
  -- "Return has no successor instruction in the same method:"
"eff' (Return, G, pc, s)                    = s" 
  -- "Throw always terminates abruptly:"
"eff' (Throw, G, pc, s)                     = s"
"eff' (Jsr t, G, pc, (ST,LT))               = ((Init (RA (pc+1)))#ST,LT)"
"eff' (Ret x, G, pc, s)                     = s" 
"eff' (Invoke C mn fpTs, G, pc, (ST,LT)) = 
  (let ST'  = drop (length fpTs) ST;
       X    = hd ST';
       ST'' = tl ST';
       rT   = fst (snd (the (method (G,C) (mn,fpTs))))
   in ((Init rT)#ST'', LT))"
"eff' (Invoke_special C mn fpTs, G, pc, (ST,LT)) = 
  (let ST'  = drop (length fpTs) ST;
       X    = hd ST';
       N    = Init (theClass X);
       ST'' = replace X N (tl ST');
       LT'  = replace (OK X) (OK N) LT;
       rT   = fst (snd (the (method (G,C) (mn,fpTs))))
   in ((Init rT)#ST'', LT'))"

text {* 
  For @{term Invoke_special} only: mark when invoking a 
  constructor on a partly initialized class. app will check that we 
  call the right constructor.
  eff_bool :: "instr \<Rightarrow> jvm_prog \<Rightarrow> p_count \<Rightarrow> state_bool \<Rightarrow> state_bool"
  "eff_bool i G pc == \<lambda>((ST,LT),z). (eff'(i,G,pc,(ST,LT)), 
  if \<exists>C p D. i = Invoke_special C init p \<and> ST!length p = PartInit D then True else z)"

text {*
  For exception handling:
  match_any :: "jvm_prog \<Rightarrow> p_count \<Rightarrow> exception_table \<Rightarrow> cname list"
  "match_any G pc [] = []"
  "match_any G pc (e#es) = (let (start_pc, end_pc, handler_pc, catch_type) = e;
                                es' = match_any G pc es 
                            if start_pc <= pc \<and> pc < end_pc then catch_type#es' else es')"

  match :: "jvm_prog \<Rightarrow> cname \<Rightarrow> p_count \<Rightarrow> exception_table \<Rightarrow> cname list"
  "match G X pc [] = []"
  "match G X pc (e#es) = 
  (if match_exception_entry G X pc e then [X] else match G X pc es)"

lemma match_some_entry:
  "match G X pc et = (if \<exists>e \<in> set et. match_exception_entry G X pc e then [X] else [])"
  by (induct et) auto

  xcpt_names :: "instr × jvm_prog × p_count × exception_table \<Rightarrow> cname list" 
recdef xcpt_names "{}"
  "xcpt_names (Getfield F C, G, pc, et) = match G (Xcpt NullPointer) pc et" 
  "xcpt_names (Putfield F C, G, pc, et) = match G (Xcpt NullPointer) pc et" 
  "xcpt_names (New C, G, pc, et)        = match G (Xcpt OutOfMemory) pc et"
  "xcpt_names (Checkcast C, G, pc, et)  = match G (Xcpt ClassCast) pc et"
  "xcpt_names (Throw, G, pc, et)        = match_any G pc et"
  "xcpt_names (Invoke C m p, G, pc, et) = match_any G pc et" 
  "xcpt_names (Invoke_special C m p, G, pc, et) = match_any G pc et"
  "xcpt_names (i, G, pc, et)            = []" 

  theIdx :: "instr \<Rightarrow> nat"
  "theIdx (Load idx)  = idx"
  "theIdx (Store idx) = idx"
  "theIdx (Ret idx)   = idx"

  xcpt_eff :: "instr \<Rightarrow> jvm_prog \<Rightarrow> p_count \<Rightarrow> address_type \<Rightarrow> exception_table \<Rightarrow> succ_type"
  "xcpt_eff i G pc at et \<equiv> 
   map (\<lambda>C. (the (match_exception_table G C pc et), (\<lambda>s. (([Init (Class C)], snd (fst s)),snd s))`at )) 
       (xcpt_names (i,G,pc,et))"

  norm_eff :: "instr \<Rightarrow> jvm_prog \<Rightarrow> p_count \<Rightarrow> p_count \<Rightarrow> address_type \<Rightarrow> address_type"
  "norm_eff i G pc pc' at \<equiv> (eff_bool i G pc) ` (if \<exists>idx. i = Ret idx then 
                            {s. s\<in>at \<and> pc' = theRA (theIdx i) s} else at)"

text {*
  Putting it all together:
  eff :: "instr \<Rightarrow> jvm_prog \<Rightarrow> p_count \<Rightarrow> exception_table \<Rightarrow> address_type \<Rightarrow> succ_type"
  "eff i G pc et at \<equiv> (map (\<lambda>pc'. (pc',norm_eff i G pc pc' at)) (succs i pc at)) @ (xcpt_eff i G pc at et)"

text {*
  Some small helpers for direct executability
  isPrimT :: "ty \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "isPrimT T \<equiv> case T of PrimT T' \<Rightarrow> True | RefT T' \<Rightarrow> False"

  isRefT :: "ty \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "isRefT T \<equiv> case T of PrimT T' \<Rightarrow> False | RefT T' \<Rightarrow> True"

lemma isPrimT [simp]:
  "isPrimT T = (\<exists>T'. T = PrimT T')" by (simp add: isPrimT_def split: ty.splits)

lemma isRefT [simp]:
  "isRefT T = (\<exists>T'. T = RefT T')" by (simp add: isRefT_def split: ty.splits)

text "Conditions under which eff is applicable:"
app' :: "instr × jvm_prog × cname × p_count × nat × ty × state_type \<Rightarrow> bool"

recdef app' "{}"
"app' (Load idx, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, s) 
  = (idx < length (snd s) \<and> (snd s) ! idx \<noteq> Err \<and> length (fst s) < maxs)"

"app' (Store idx, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, (ts#ST, LT)) 
  = (idx < length LT)"

"app' (LitPush v, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, s) 
  = (length (fst s) < maxs \<and> typeof (\<lambda>t. None) v \<in> {Some NT} \<union> (Some\<circ>PrimT)`{Boolean,Void,Integer})"

"app' (Getfield F C, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, (oT#ST, LT)) 
  = (is_class G C \<and> field (G,C) F \<noteq> None \<and> fst (the (field (G,C) F)) = C \<and>
     G \<turnstile> oT \<preceq>i Init (Class C))"

"app' (Putfield F C, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, (vT#oT#ST, LT)) 
  = (is_class G C \<and> field (G,C) F \<noteq> None \<and> fst (the (field (G,C) F)) = C \<and>
     G \<turnstile> oT \<preceq>i Init (Class C) \<and> G \<turnstile> vT \<preceq>i Init (snd (the (field (G,C) F))))" 

"app' (New C, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, s) 
  = (is_class G C \<and> length (fst s) < maxs \<and> UnInit C pc \<notin> set (fst s))"

"app' (Checkcast C, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, (Init (RefT rt)#ST,LT)) 
  = is_class G C"

"app' (Pop, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, (ts#ST,LT))             = True"
"app' (Dup, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, (ts#ST,LT))             = (1+length ST < maxs)"
"app' (Dup_x1, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, (ts1#ts2#ST,LT))     = (2+length ST < maxs)"
"app' (Dup_x2, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, (ts1#ts2#ts3#ST,LT)) = (3+length ST < maxs)"
"app' (Swap, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, (ts1#ts2#ST,LT))       = True"

"app' (IAdd, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, (t1#t2#ST,LT)) 
  = (t1 = Init (PrimT Integer) \<and> t1 = t2)"

"app' (Ifcmpeq b, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, (Init ts#Init ts'#ST,LT))
  = (0 \<le> int pc + b \<and> (isPrimT ts \<longrightarrow> ts' = ts) \<and> (isRefT ts \<longrightarrow> isRefT ts'))"

"app' (Goto b, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, s)             = (0 \<le> int pc + b)"
"app' (Return, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, (T#ST,LT))     = (G \<turnstile> T \<preceq>i Init rT)"
"app' (Throw, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, (Init T#ST,LT)) = isRefT T"
"app' (Jsr b, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, (ST,LT))        = (0 \<le> int pc + b \<and> length ST < maxs)"
"app' (Ret x, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, (ST,LT))        = (x < length LT \<and> (\<exists>r. LT!x=OK (Init (RA r))))"

"app' (Invoke C mn fpTs, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, s) = 
   (length fpTs < length (fst s) \<and> mn \<noteq> init \<and>
   (let apTs = rev (take (length fpTs) (fst s));
        X    = hd (drop (length fpTs) (fst s)) 
    in  is_class G C \<and> 
        list_all2 (\<lambda>aT fT. G \<turnstile> aT \<preceq>i (Init fT)) apTs fpTs \<and>
        G \<turnstile> X \<preceq>i Init (Class C)) \<and> 
        method (G,C) (mn,fpTs) \<noteq> None)"

"app' (Invoke_special C mn fpTs, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, s) = 
   (length fpTs < length (fst s) \<and> mn = init \<and>
   (let apTs = rev (take (length fpTs) (fst s));
        X    = (fst s)!length fpTs
    in  is_class G C \<and> 
        list_all2 (\<lambda>aT fT. G \<turnstile> aT \<preceq>i (Init fT)) apTs fpTs \<and>     
        (\<exists>rT' b. method (G,C) (mn,fpTs) = Some (C,rT',b)) \<and> 
        ((\<exists>pc. X = UnInit C pc) \<or> (X = PartInit C' \<and> G \<turnstile> C' \<prec>C1 C))))"

-- "@{text C'} is the current class, the constructor must be called on the"
-- "superclass (if partly initialized) or on the exact class that is"
-- "to be constructed (if not yet initialized at all)."
-- "In JCVM @{text Invoke_special} may also call another constructor of the same" 
-- {* class (@{text "C = C' \<or> C = super C'"}) *}

"app' (i,G,pc,maxs,rT,s) = False"

  xcpt_app :: "instr \<Rightarrow> jvm_prog \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> exception_table \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "xcpt_app i G pc et \<equiv> \<forall>C\<in>set(xcpt_names (i,G,pc,et)). is_class G C"

  app :: "instr \<Rightarrow> jvm_prog \<Rightarrow> cname \<Rightarrow> p_count \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> ty \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> 
          exception_table \<Rightarrow> address_type \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "app i G C' pc mxs mpc rT ini et at \<equiv> (\<forall>(s,z) \<in> at.
    xcpt_app i G pc et \<and>
    app' (i,G,C',pc,mxs,rT,s) \<and> 
    (ini \<and> i = Return \<longrightarrow> z) \<and> 
    (\<forall>C m p. i = Invoke_special C m p \<and> (fst s)!length p = PartInit C' \<longrightarrow> ¬z)) \<and>
  (\<forall>(pc',s') \<in> set (eff i G pc et at). pc' < mpc)"

lemma match_any_match_table:
  "C \<in> set (match_any G pc et) \<Longrightarrow> match_exception_table G C pc et \<noteq> None"
  apply (induct et)
   apply simp
  apply simp
  apply clarify
  apply (simp split: split_if_asm)
  apply (auto simp add: match_exception_entry_def)

lemma match_X_match_table:
  "C \<in> set (match G X pc et) \<Longrightarrow> match_exception_table G C pc et \<noteq> None"
  apply (induct et)
   apply simp
  apply (simp split: split_if_asm)

lemma xcpt_names_in_et:
  "C \<in> set (xcpt_names (i,G,pc,et)) \<Longrightarrow> 
  \<exists>e \<in> set et. the (match_exception_table G C pc et) = fst (snd (snd e))"
  apply (cases i)
  apply (auto dest!: match_any_match_table match_X_match_table 
              dest: match_exception_table_in_et)

lemma length_casesE1:
  "((xs,y),z) \<in> at \<Longrightarrow> 
   (xs =[] \<Longrightarrow> P []) \<Longrightarrow> 
   (\<And>l. xs = [l] \<Longrightarrow> P [l]) \<Longrightarrow> 
   (\<And>l l'. xs = [l,l'] \<Longrightarrow> P [l,l']) \<Longrightarrow> 
   (\<And>l l' ls. xs = l#l'#ls \<Longrightarrow> P (l#l'#ls)) 
  \<Longrightarrow> P xs"
  apply (cases xs)
  apply auto
  apply (rename_tac ls)
  apply (case_tac ls)
  apply auto

lemmas [simp] = app_def xcpt_app_def

text {* 
simp rules for @{term app}
lemma appNone[simp]: "app i G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et {} = (\<forall>(pc',s')\<in>set (eff i G pc et {}). pc' < mpc)" 
  by simp

lemmas eff_defs [simp] = eff_def norm_eff_def eff_bool_def xcpt_eff_def

lemma appLoad[simp]:
"app (Load idx) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = (Suc pc < mpc \<and> (\<forall>s \<in> at.
 (\<exists>ST LT z. s = ((ST,LT),z) \<and> idx < length LT \<and> LT!idx \<noteq> Err \<and> length ST < maxs)))"  
  by auto

lemma appStore[simp]:
"app (Store idx) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = (Suc pc < mpc \<and> (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>ts ST LT z. s = ((ts#ST,LT),z) \<and> idx < length LT))"
  apply auto
  apply (auto dest!: bspec elim!: length_casesE1)

lemma appLitPush[simp]:
"app (LitPush v) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = (Suc pc < mpc \<and>
  (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>ST LT z. s = ((ST,LT),z) \<and> length ST < maxs \<and> 
            typeof (\<lambda>v. None) v \<in> {Some NT} \<union> (Some\<circ>PrimT)`{Void,Boolean,Integer}))"
  by auto

lemma appGetField[simp]:
"app (Getfield F C) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = (Suc pc < mpc \<and>
 (\<forall>x \<in> set (match G (Xcpt NullPointer) pc et). the (match_exception_table G x pc et) < mpc) \<and>
 (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>oT vT ST LT z. s = ((oT#ST, LT),z) \<and> is_class G C \<and>  
  field (G,C) F = Some (C,vT) \<and> G \<turnstile> oT \<preceq>i (Init (Class C)) \<and>
  (\<forall>x \<in> set (match G (Xcpt NullPointer) pc et). is_class G x)))"
  apply rule
  apply (clarsimp, (drule bspec, assumption)?)+
  apply (auto elim!: length_casesE1)

lemma appPutField[simp]:
"app (Putfield F C) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = (Suc pc < mpc \<and>
 (\<forall>x \<in> set (match G (Xcpt NullPointer) pc et). the (match_exception_table G x pc et) < mpc) \<and>
 (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>vT vT' oT ST LT z. s = ((vT#oT#ST, LT),z) \<and> is_class G C \<and> 
  field (G,C) F = Some (C, vT') \<and> 
  G \<turnstile> oT \<preceq>i Init (Class C) \<and> G \<turnstile> vT \<preceq>i Init vT' \<and>
  (\<forall>x \<in> set (match G (Xcpt NullPointer) pc et). is_class G x)))"
  apply rule
  apply (clarsimp, (drule bspec, assumption)?)+
  apply (auto elim!: length_casesE1)

lemma appNew[simp]:
"app (New C) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = (Suc pc < mpc \<and>
 (\<forall>x \<in> set (match G (Xcpt OutOfMemory) pc et). the (match_exception_table G x pc et) < mpc) \<and>       
 (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>ST LT z. s=((ST,LT),z) \<and> 
  is_class G C \<and> length ST < maxs \<and> 
   UnInit C pc \<notin> set ST \<and>
  (\<forall>x \<in> set (match G (Xcpt OutOfMemory) pc et). is_class G x)))"
  by auto

lemma appCheckcast[simp]:
"app (Checkcast C) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = (Suc pc < mpc \<and>
 (\<forall>x \<in> set (match G (Xcpt ClassCast) pc et). the (match_exception_table G x pc et) < mpc) \<and>
 (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>rT ST LT z. s = ((Init (RefT rT)#ST,LT),z) \<and> is_class G C \<and> 
  (\<forall>x \<in> set (match G (Xcpt ClassCast) pc et). is_class G x)))"
apply rule
apply clarsimp
apply clarsimp
apply (drule bspec, assumption)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule bspec, assumption)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac a)
apply auto
apply (case_tac aa)
apply auto
apply (case_tac ty)
apply auto
apply (case_tac aa)
apply auto
apply (case_tac ty)
apply auto

lemma appPop[simp]: 
"app Pop G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = (Suc pc < mpc \<and> (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>ts ST LT z. s = ((ts#ST,LT),z)))"
  by auto (auto dest!: bspec elim!: length_casesE1)

lemma appDup[simp]:
"app Dup G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = (Suc pc < mpc \<and> 
 (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>ts ST LT z. s = ((ts#ST,LT),z) \<and> 1+length ST < maxs))"
  by auto (auto dest!: bspec elim!: length_casesE1)

lemma appDup_x1[simp]:
"app Dup_x1 G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = (Suc pc < mpc \<and> 
 (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>ts1 ts2 ST LT z. s = ((ts1#ts2#ST,LT),z) \<and> 2+length ST < maxs))"
  by auto (auto dest!: bspec elim!: length_casesE1)

lemma appDup_x2[simp]:
"app Dup_x2 G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = (Suc pc < mpc \<and> 
 (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>ts1 ts2 ts3 ST LT z. s = ((ts1#ts2#ts3#ST,LT),z) \<and> 3+length ST < maxs))"
  apply auto
  apply (auto dest!: bspec elim!: length_casesE1)
  apply (case_tac ls, auto)

lemma appSwap[simp]:
"app Swap G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = (Suc pc < mpc \<and> 
 (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>ts1 ts2 ST LT z. s = ((ts1#ts2#ST,LT),z)))" 
  by auto (auto dest!: bspec elim!: length_casesE1)

lemma appIAdd[simp]:
"app IAdd G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = (Suc pc < mpc \<and>
 (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>ST LT z. s = ((Init (PrimT Integer)#Init (PrimT Integer)#ST,LT),z)))" 
  by auto (auto dest!: bspec elim!: length_casesE1)

lemma appIfcmpeq[simp]:
"app (Ifcmpeq b) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =  (Suc pc < mpc \<and> nat (int pc+b) < mpc \<and>
 (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>ts1 ts2 ST LT z. s = ((Init ts1#Init ts2#ST,LT),z) \<and> 0 \<le> b + int pc \<and> 
 ((\<exists>p. ts1 = PrimT p \<and> ts2 = PrimT p) \<or> 
  (\<exists>r r'. ts1 = RefT r \<and> ts2 = RefT r'))))" 
  apply auto
  apply (auto dest!: bspec)
  apply (case_tac aa, simp)
  apply (case_tac list)
   apply (case_tac a, simp, simp, simp)
  apply (case_tac a)
    apply simp
    apply (case_tac ab)
      apply auto
      apply (case_tac ty, auto)
     apply (case_tac ty, auto)
    apply (case_tac ty, auto)
   apply (case_tac ty, auto)
  apply (case_tac ty, auto)

lemma appReturn[simp]:
"app Return G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = 
  (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>T ST LT z. s = ((T#ST,LT),z) \<and> (G \<turnstile> T \<preceq>i Init rT) \<and> (ini \<longrightarrow> z))" 
  apply auto
  apply (auto dest!: bspec)
  apply (erule length_casesE1)
  apply auto
  apply (erule length_casesE1)
  apply auto

lemma appGoto[simp]:
  "app (Goto b) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = 
  (nat (int pc + b) < mpc \<and> (at \<noteq> {} \<longrightarrow> 0 \<le> int pc + b))" 
  by auto

lemma appThrow[simp]:
"app Throw G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = 
 ((\<forall>C \<in> set (match_any G pc et). the (match_exception_table G C pc et) < mpc) \<and>
 (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>ST LT z r. s=((Init (RefT r)#ST,LT),z) \<and> (\<forall>C \<in> set (match_any G pc et). is_class G C)))"
  apply auto
  apply (drule bspec, assumption)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (case_tac a)
  apply auto
  apply (case_tac aa)
  apply auto

lemma appJsr[simp]:
  "app (Jsr b) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = (nat (int pc + b) < mpc \<and> (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>ST LT z. s = ((ST,LT),z) \<and> 0 \<le> int pc + b \<and> length ST < maxs))"
  by auto

lemma set_SOME_lists:
  "finite s \<Longrightarrow> set (SOME l. set l = s) = s"  
  apply (erule finite_induct)
  apply simp
  apply (rule_tac a="x#(SOME l. set l = F)" in someI2)
  apply auto

lemma appRet[simp]:
  "finite at \<Longrightarrow> 
  app (Ret x) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>ST LT z. s = ((ST,LT),z) \<and> x < length LT \<and> (\<exists>r. LT!x=OK (Init (RA r)) \<and> r < mpc))"
  apply (auto simp add: set_SOME_lists finite_imageI theRA_def)
  apply (drule bspec, assumption)+
  apply simp
  apply (drule bspec, assumption)+
  apply auto

lemma appInvoke[simp]:
"app (Invoke C mn fpTs) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = 
 ((Suc pc < mpc \<and> 
 (\<forall>C \<in> set (match_any G pc et). the (match_exception_table G C pc et) < mpc)) \<and>
 (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>apTs X ST LT mD' rT' b' z.
  s = (((rev apTs) @ (X # ST), LT), z) \<and> mn \<noteq> init \<and> 
  length apTs = length fpTs \<and> is_class G C \<and>
  (\<forall>(aT,fT)\<in>set(zip apTs fpTs). G \<turnstile> aT \<preceq>i (Init fT)) \<and> 
  method (G,C) (mn,fpTs) = Some (mD', rT', b') \<and> (G \<turnstile> X \<preceq>i Init (Class C)) \<and>
  (\<forall>C \<in> set (match_any G pc et). is_class G C)))" 
(is "?app at = (?Q \<and> (\<forall>s \<in> at. ?P s))")
proof -
  note list_all2_def[simp]
  { fix a b z 
    assume app: "?app at" and at: "((a,b),z) \<in> at"
    have "?P ((a,b),z)"
    proof -
      from app and at
      have "a = (rev (rev (take (length fpTs) a))) @ (drop (length fpTs) a) \<and> 
            length fpTs < length a" (is "?a \<and> ?l") 
      by (auto simp add: app_def)
    hence "?a \<and> 0 < length (drop (length fpTs) a)" (is "?a \<and> ?l") 
      by auto
    hence "?a \<and> ?l \<and> length (rev (take (length fpTs) a)) = length fpTs" 
      by (auto simp add: min_def)
    then obtain apTs ST where
      "a = rev apTs @ ST \<and> length apTs = length fpTs \<and> 0 < length ST" 
      by blast
    hence "a = rev apTs @ ST \<and> length apTs = length fpTs \<and> ST \<noteq> []" 
      by blast
    then obtain X ST' where
      "a = rev apTs @ X # ST'" "length apTs = length fpTs" 
      by (simp add: neq_Nil_conv) blast
    with app and at show ?thesis by fastsimp
  qed } note x = this
  have "?app at \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall>s \<in> at. ?P s)" by clarify (rule x)   
  hence "?app at \<Longrightarrow> ?Q \<and> (\<forall>s \<in> at. ?P s)" by auto
  have "?Q \<and> (\<forall>s \<in> at. ?P s) \<Longrightarrow> ?app at" 
    apply clarsimp
    apply (drule bspec, assumption)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: min_def)
  show ?thesis by (rule iffI)

lemma appInvoke_special[simp]:
"app (Invoke_special C mn fpTs) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at = 
 ((Suc pc < mpc \<and> 
 (\<forall>C \<in> set (match_any G pc et). the (match_exception_table G C pc et) < mpc)) \<and>
 (\<forall>s \<in> at. \<exists>apTs X ST LT rT' b' z.
  s = (((rev apTs) @ X # ST, LT), z) \<and> mn = init \<and> 
  length apTs = length fpTs \<and> is_class G C \<and>
  (\<forall>(aT,fT)\<in>set(zip apTs fpTs). G \<turnstile> aT \<preceq>i (Init fT)) \<and> 
  method (G,C) (mn,fpTs) = Some (C, rT', b') \<and> 
  ((\<exists>pc. X = UnInit C pc) \<or> (X = PartInit C' \<and> G \<turnstile> C' \<prec>C1 C \<and> ¬z)) \<and> 
  (\<forall>C \<in> set (match_any G pc et). is_class G C)))" 
(is "?app at = (?Q \<and> (\<forall>s \<in> at. ?P s))")
proof -
  note list_all2_def [simp]
  { fix a b z
    assume app: "?app at" and at: "((a,b),z) \<in> at"
    have "?P ((a,b),z)"
    proof -
    from app and at
    have "a = (rev (rev (take (length fpTs) a))) @ (drop (length fpTs) a) \<and> 
           length fpTs < length a" (is "?a \<and> ?l") 
      by (auto simp add: app_def)
    hence "?a \<and> 0 < length (drop (length fpTs) a)" (is "?a \<and> ?l") 
      by auto
    hence "?a \<and> ?l \<and> length (rev (take (length fpTs) a)) = length fpTs" 
      by (auto simp add: min_def)
    then obtain apTs ST where
      "a = rev apTs @ ST \<and> length apTs = length fpTs \<and> 0 < length ST" 
      by blast
    hence "a = rev apTs @ ST \<and> length apTs = length fpTs \<and> ST \<noteq> []" 
      by blast
    then obtain X ST' where
      "a = rev apTs @ X # ST'" "length apTs = length fpTs" 
      by (simp add: neq_Nil_conv) blast
    with app and at show ?thesis by (fastsimp simp add: nth_append)
  qed } note x = this
  have "?app at \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>s \<in> at. ?P s" by clarify (rule x)
  hence "?app at \<Longrightarrow> ?Q \<and> (\<forall>s \<in> at. ?P s)" by auto
  have "?Q \<and> (\<forall>s \<in> at. ?P s) \<Longrightarrow> ?app at" 
    apply clarsimp
    apply (drule bspec, assumption)
    apply (fastsimp simp add: nth_append min_def)
  show ?thesis by (rule iffI)

lemma replace_map_OK:
  "replace (OK x) (OK y) (map OK l) = map OK (replace x y l)"
proof -
  have "inj OK" by (blast intro: datatype_injI)
  thus ?thesis by (rule replace_map)

lemma effNone: 
  "(pc', s') \<in> set (eff i G pc et {}) \<Longrightarrow> s' = {}"
  by (auto simp add: eff_def xcpt_eff_def norm_eff_def split: split_if_asm)

lemmas app_simps =
 appNone appLoad appStore appLitPush appGetField appPutField appNew
 appCheckcast appPop appDup appDup_x1 appDup_x2 appSwap appIAdd appIfcmpeq
 appReturn appGoto appThrow appJsr appRet appInvoke appInvoke_special

section "Code generator setup"

declare list_all2_Nil [code]
declare list_all2_Cons [code]

lemma xcpt_app_lemma [code]:
  "xcpt_app i G pc et = list_all (is_class G) (xcpt_names (i, G, pc, et))"
  by (simp add: list_all_conv)

  set_filter :: "('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'a set \<Rightarrow> 'a set"
  "set_filter P A \<equiv> {s. s \<in> A \<and> P s}"

  tolist :: "'a set \<Rightarrow> 'a list"
  "tolist s \<equiv> (SOME l. set l = s)"

lemma [code]:
  "succs (Ret x) pc s = tolist (theRA x ` s)"
  apply (simp add: tolist_def)
  isRet :: "instr \<Rightarrow> bool"
recdef isRet "{}"
  "isRet (Ret r) = True"
  "isRet i = False"

lemma [code]:
  "norm_eff i G pc pc' at = eff_bool i G pc ` (if isRet i then set_filter (\<lambda>s. pc' = theRA (theIdx i) s) at else at)"
  apply (cases i)
  apply (auto simp add: norm_eff_def set_filter_def)

  "set_filter" ("filter")
  "tolist"     ("(fn x => x)")

lemma [code]:
  "app' (Ifcmpeq b, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, Init ts # Init ts' # ST, LT) = 
   (0 \<le> int pc + b \<and> (if isPrimT ts then ts' = ts else True) \<and> (if isRefT ts then isRefT ts' else True))"
  apply simp

  isUninitC :: "init_ty \<Rightarrow> cname \<Rightarrow> bool"
  "isUninitC (Init T) C = False"
  "isUninitC (UnInit C' pc) C = (C=C')"
  "isUninitC (PartInit D) C = False"

lemma [code]:
  "app' (Invoke_special C mn fpTs, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, s) =  
  (length fpTs < length (fst s) \<and>
  mn = init \<and>
  (let apTs = rev (take (length fpTs) (fst s)); X = fst s ! length fpTs
  in is_class G C \<and>
     list_all2 (\<lambda>aT fT. G \<turnstile> aT \<preceq>i Init fT) apTs fpTs \<and>
     method (G, C) (mn, fpTs) \<noteq> None \<and>
     (let (C'', rT', b) = the (method (G, C) (mn, fpTs)) in 
          C = C'' \<and>
         (isUninitC X C \<or> X = PartInit C' \<and> G \<turnstile> C' \<prec>C1 C))))"
apply auto
apply (cases "fst s ! length fpTs")
apply auto
apply (cases "fst s ! length fpTs")
apply auto

  isOKInitRA :: "init_ty err \<Rightarrow> bool"
recdef isOKInitRA "{}"
  "isOKInitRA (OK (Init (RA r))) = True"
  "isOKInitRA z = False"

lemma [code]:
  "app' (Ret x, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, ST, LT) = (x < length LT \<and> isOKInitRA (LT!x))"
  apply simp
  apply auto
  apply (cases "LT!x")
  apply simp
  apply simp
  apply (case_tac a)
  apply auto
  apply (case_tac ty)
  apply auto
  apply (case_tac prim_ty)
  apply auto

  isInv_spcl :: "instr \<Rightarrow> bool"
  isInv_spcl "{}"
  "isInv_spcl (Invoke_special C m p) = True"
  "isInv_spcl i = False"

  mNam :: "instr \<Rightarrow> mname"
  mNam "{}"
  "mNam (Invoke_special C m p) = m"

  pLen :: "instr \<Rightarrow> nat"
  pLen "{}"
  "pLen (Invoke_special C m p) = length p"

  isPartInit :: "init_ty \<Rightarrow> bool"
  isPartInit "{}"
  "isPartInit (PartInit D) = True"
  "isPartInit T = False"

lemma [code]:
"app i G C' pc mxs mpc rT ini et at =
 ((\<forall>(s, z)\<in>at.
    xcpt_app i G pc et \<and>
    app' (i, G, C', pc, mxs, rT, s) \<and> 
    (if ini \<and> i = Return then z else True) \<and> 
  (if isInv_spcl i \<and> fst s ! (pLen i) = PartInit C' then ¬ z else True)) \<and>
  (\<forall>(pc', s')\<in>set (eff i G pc et at). pc' < mpc))"
apply (simp add: split_beta app_def)
apply (cases i)
apply auto

lemma [code]:
  "eff_bool i G pc = (\<lambda>((ST, LT), z). (eff' (i, G, pc, ST, LT), 
  if isInv_spcl i \<and> mNam i = init \<and> isPartInit(ST ! (pLen i)) then True else z))"
  apply (auto simp add: eff_bool_def split_def)
  apply (cases i)
  apply auto
  apply (rule ext)
  apply auto
  apply (case_tac "a!length list")
  apply auto
lemmas [simp del] = app_def xcpt_app_def


lemma match_some_entry:

  match G X pc et =
  (if Bex (set et) (match_exception_entry G X pc) then [X] else [])

lemma isPrimT:

  isPrimT T = (EX T'. T = PrimT T')

lemma isRefT:

  isRefT T = (EX T'. T = RefT T')

lemma match_any_match_table:

  C : set (match_any G pc et) ==> match_exception_table G C pc et ~= None

lemma match_X_match_table:

  C : set (match G X pc et) ==> match_exception_table G C pc et ~= None

lemma xcpt_names_in_et:

  C : set (xcpt_names (i, G, pc, et))
  ==> EX e:set et. the (match_exception_table G C pc et) = fst (snd (snd e))

lemma length_casesE1:

  [| ((xs, y), z) : at; xs = [] ==> P []; !!l. xs = [l] ==> P [l];
     !!l l'. xs = [l, l'] ==> P [l, l'];
     !!l l' ls. xs = l # l' # ls ==> P (l # l' # ls) |]
  ==> P xs


  app i G C' pc mxs mpc rT ini et at ==
  (ALL (s, z):at.
      xcpt_app i G pc et &
      app' (i, G, C', pc, mxs, rT, s) &
      (ini & i = Return --> z) &
      (ALL C m p.
          i = Invoke_special C m p & fst s ! length p = PartInit C' --> ¬ z)) &
  (ALL (pc', s'):set (eff i G pc et at). pc' < mpc)
  xcpt_app i G pc et == Ball (set (xcpt_names (i, G, pc, et))) (is_class G)

lemma appNone:

  app i G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et {} =
  (ALL (pc', s'):set (eff i G pc et {}). pc' < mpc)

lemmas eff_defs:

  eff i G pc et at ==
  map (%pc'. (pc', norm_eff i G pc pc' at)) (succs i pc at) @
  xcpt_eff i G pc at et
  norm_eff i G pc pc' at ==
  eff_bool i G pc `
  (if EX idx. i = Ret idx then {s. s : at & pc' = theRA (theIdx i) s} else at)
  eff_bool i G pc ==
  %((ST, LT), z).
     (eff' (i, G, pc, ST, LT),
      if EX C p D. i = Invoke_special C init p & ST ! length p = PartInit D
      then True else z)
  xcpt_eff i G pc at et ==
  map (%C. (the (match_exception_table G C pc et),
            (%s. (([Init (Class C)], snd (fst s)), snd s)) ` at))
   (xcpt_names (i, G, pc, et))

lemma appLoad:

  app (Load idx) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ST LT z.
          s = ((ST, LT), z) &
          idx < length LT & LT ! idx ~= Err & length ST < maxs))

lemma appStore:

  app (Store idx) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL s:at. EX ts ST LT z. s = ((ts # ST, LT), z) & idx < length LT))

lemma appLitPush:

  app (LitPush v) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ST LT z.
          s = ((ST, LT), z) &
          length ST < maxs &
          typeof (%v. None) v
          : {Some NT} Un (Some o PrimT) ` {Void, Boolean, Integer}))

lemma appGetField:

  app (Getfield F C) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL x:set (match G (Xcpt NullPointer) pc et).
       the (match_exception_table G x pc et) < mpc) &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX oT vT ST LT z.
          s = ((oT # ST, LT), z) &
          is_class G C &
          field (G, C) F = Some (C, vT) &
          G |- oT <=i Init (Class C) &
          Ball (set (match G (Xcpt NullPointer) pc et)) (is_class G)))

lemma appPutField:

  app (Putfield F C) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL x:set (match G (Xcpt NullPointer) pc et).
       the (match_exception_table G x pc et) < mpc) &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX vT vT' oT ST LT z.
          s = ((vT # oT # ST, LT), z) &
          is_class G C &
          field (G, C) F = Some (C, vT') &
          G |- oT <=i Init (Class C) &
          G |- vT <=i Init vT' &
          Ball (set (match G (Xcpt NullPointer) pc et)) (is_class G)))

lemma appNew:

  app (New C) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL x:set (match G (Xcpt OutOfMemory) pc et).
       the (match_exception_table G x pc et) < mpc) &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ST LT z.
          s = ((ST, LT), z) &
          is_class G C &
          length ST < maxs &
          UnInit C pc ~: set ST &
          Ball (set (match G (Xcpt OutOfMemory) pc et)) (is_class G)))

lemma appCheckcast:

  app (Checkcast C) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL x:set (match G (Xcpt ClassCast) pc et).
       the (match_exception_table G x pc et) < mpc) &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX rT ST LT z.
          s = ((Init (RefT rT) # ST, LT), z) &
          is_class G C &
          Ball (set (match G (Xcpt ClassCast) pc et)) (is_class G)))

lemma appPop:

  app Pop G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc & (ALL s:at. EX ts ST LT z. s = ((ts # ST, LT), z)))

lemma appDup:

  app Dup G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL s:at. EX ts ST LT z. s = ((ts # ST, LT), z) & 1 + length ST < maxs))

lemma appDup_x1:

  app Dup_x1 G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ts1 ts2 ST LT z. s = ((ts1 # ts2 # ST, LT), z) & 2 + length ST < maxs))

lemma appDup_x2:

  app Dup_x2 G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ts1 ts2 ts3 ST LT z.
          s = ((ts1 # ts2 # ts3 # ST, LT), z) & 3 + length ST < maxs))

lemma appSwap:

  app Swap G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc & (ALL s:at. EX ts1 ts2 ST LT z. s = ((ts1 # ts2 # ST, LT), z)))

lemma appIAdd:

  app IAdd G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ST LT z.
          s = ((Init (PrimT Integer) # Init (PrimT Integer) # ST, LT), z)))

lemma appIfcmpeq:

  app (Ifcmpeq b) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   nat (int pc + b) < mpc &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ts1 ts2 ST LT z.
          s = ((Init ts1 # Init ts2 # ST, LT), z) &
          0 <= b + int pc &
          ((EX p. ts1 = PrimT p & ts2 = PrimT p) |
           (EX r r'. ts1 = RefT r & ts2 = RefT r'))))

lemma appReturn:

  app Return G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (ALL s:at.
      EX T ST LT z. s = ((T # ST, LT), z) & G |- T <=i Init rT & (ini --> z))

lemma appGoto:

  app (Goto b) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (nat (int pc + b) < mpc & (at ~= {} --> 0 <= int pc + b))

lemma appThrow:

  app Throw G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  ((ALL C:set (match_any G pc et). the (match_exception_table G C pc et) < mpc) &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ST LT z r.
          s = ((Init (RefT r) # ST, LT), z) &
          Ball (set (match_any G pc et)) (is_class G)))

lemma appJsr:

  app (Jsr b) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (nat (int pc + b) < mpc &
   (ALL s:at. EX ST LT z. s = ((ST, LT), z) & 0 <= int pc + b & length ST < maxs))

lemma set_SOME_lists:

  finite s ==> set (SOME l. set l = s) = s

lemma appRet:

  finite at
  ==> app (Ret x) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
      (ALL s:at.
          EX ST LT z.
             s = ((ST, LT), z) &
             x < length LT & (EX r. LT ! x = OK (Init (RA r)) & r < mpc))

lemma appInvoke:

  app (Invoke C mn fpTs) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  ((Suc pc < mpc &
    (ALL C:set (match_any G pc et).
        the (match_exception_table G C pc et) < mpc)) &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX apTs X ST LT mD' rT' b' z.
          s = ((rev apTs @ X # ST, LT), z) &
          mn ~= init &
          length apTs = length fpTs &
          is_class G C &
          (ALL (aT, fT):set (zip apTs fpTs). G |- aT <=i Init fT) &
          method (G, C) (mn, fpTs) = Some (mD', rT', b') &
          G |- X <=i Init (Class C) &
          Ball (set (match_any G pc et)) (is_class G)))

lemma appInvoke_special:

  app (Invoke_special C mn fpTs) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  ((Suc pc < mpc &
    (ALL C:set (match_any G pc et).
        the (match_exception_table G C pc et) < mpc)) &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX apTs X ST LT rT' b' z.
          s = ((rev apTs @ X # ST, LT), z) &
          mn = init &
          length apTs = length fpTs &
          is_class G C &
          (ALL (aT, fT):set (zip apTs fpTs). G |- aT <=i Init fT) &
          method (G, C) (mn, fpTs) = Some (C, rT', b') &
          ((EX pc. X = UnInit C pc) | X = PartInit C' & G |- C' <=C1 C & ¬ z) &
          Ball (set (match_any G pc et)) (is_class G)))

lemma replace_map_OK:

  replace (OK x) (OK y) (map OK l) = map OK (replace x y l)

lemma effNone:

  (pc', s') : set (eff i G pc et {}) ==> s' = {}

lemmas app_simps:

  app i G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et {} =
  (ALL (pc', s'):set (eff i G pc et {}). pc' < mpc)
  app (Load idx) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ST LT z.
          s = ((ST, LT), z) &
          idx < length LT & LT ! idx ~= Err & length ST < maxs))
  app (Store idx) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL s:at. EX ts ST LT z. s = ((ts # ST, LT), z) & idx < length LT))
  app (LitPush v) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ST LT z.
          s = ((ST, LT), z) &
          length ST < maxs &
          typeof (%v. None) v
          : {Some NT} Un (Some o PrimT) ` {Void, Boolean, Integer}))
  app (Getfield F C) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL x:set (match G (Xcpt NullPointer) pc et).
       the (match_exception_table G x pc et) < mpc) &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX oT vT ST LT z.
          s = ((oT # ST, LT), z) &
          is_class G C &
          field (G, C) F = Some (C, vT) &
          G |- oT <=i Init (Class C) &
          Ball (set (match G (Xcpt NullPointer) pc et)) (is_class G)))
  app (Putfield F C) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL x:set (match G (Xcpt NullPointer) pc et).
       the (match_exception_table G x pc et) < mpc) &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX vT vT' oT ST LT z.
          s = ((vT # oT # ST, LT), z) &
          is_class G C &
          field (G, C) F = Some (C, vT') &
          G |- oT <=i Init (Class C) &
          G |- vT <=i Init vT' &
          Ball (set (match G (Xcpt NullPointer) pc et)) (is_class G)))
  app (New C) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL x:set (match G (Xcpt OutOfMemory) pc et).
       the (match_exception_table G x pc et) < mpc) &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ST LT z.
          s = ((ST, LT), z) &
          is_class G C &
          length ST < maxs &
          UnInit C pc ~: set ST &
          Ball (set (match G (Xcpt OutOfMemory) pc et)) (is_class G)))
  app (Checkcast C) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL x:set (match G (Xcpt ClassCast) pc et).
       the (match_exception_table G x pc et) < mpc) &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX rT ST LT z.
          s = ((Init (RefT rT) # ST, LT), z) &
          is_class G C &
          Ball (set (match G (Xcpt ClassCast) pc et)) (is_class G)))
  app Pop G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc & (ALL s:at. EX ts ST LT z. s = ((ts # ST, LT), z)))
  app Dup G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL s:at. EX ts ST LT z. s = ((ts # ST, LT), z) & 1 + length ST < maxs))
  app Dup_x1 G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ts1 ts2 ST LT z. s = ((ts1 # ts2 # ST, LT), z) & 2 + length ST < maxs))
  app Dup_x2 G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ts1 ts2 ts3 ST LT z.
          s = ((ts1 # ts2 # ts3 # ST, LT), z) & 3 + length ST < maxs))
  app Swap G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc & (ALL s:at. EX ts1 ts2 ST LT z. s = ((ts1 # ts2 # ST, LT), z)))
  app IAdd G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ST LT z.
          s = ((Init (PrimT Integer) # Init (PrimT Integer) # ST, LT), z)))
  app (Ifcmpeq b) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (Suc pc < mpc &
   nat (int pc + b) < mpc &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ts1 ts2 ST LT z.
          s = ((Init ts1 # Init ts2 # ST, LT), z) &
          0 <= b + int pc &
          ((EX p. ts1 = PrimT p & ts2 = PrimT p) |
           (EX r r'. ts1 = RefT r & ts2 = RefT r'))))
  app Return G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (ALL s:at.
      EX T ST LT z. s = ((T # ST, LT), z) & G |- T <=i Init rT & (ini --> z))
  app (Goto b) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (nat (int pc + b) < mpc & (at ~= {} --> 0 <= int pc + b))
  app Throw G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  ((ALL C:set (match_any G pc et). the (match_exception_table G C pc et) < mpc) &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX ST LT z r.
          s = ((Init (RefT r) # ST, LT), z) &
          Ball (set (match_any G pc et)) (is_class G)))
  app (Jsr b) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  (nat (int pc + b) < mpc &
   (ALL s:at. EX ST LT z. s = ((ST, LT), z) & 0 <= int pc + b & length ST < maxs))
  finite at
  ==> app (Ret x) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
      (ALL s:at.
          EX ST LT z.
             s = ((ST, LT), z) &
             x < length LT & (EX r. LT ! x = OK (Init (RA r)) & r < mpc))
  app (Invoke C mn fpTs) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  ((Suc pc < mpc &
    (ALL C:set (match_any G pc et).
        the (match_exception_table G C pc et) < mpc)) &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX apTs X ST LT mD' rT' b' z.
          s = ((rev apTs @ X # ST, LT), z) &
          mn ~= init &
          length apTs = length fpTs &
          is_class G C &
          (ALL (aT, fT):set (zip apTs fpTs). G |- aT <=i Init fT) &
          method (G, C) (mn, fpTs) = Some (mD', rT', b') &
          G |- X <=i Init (Class C) &
          Ball (set (match_any G pc et)) (is_class G)))
  app (Invoke_special C mn fpTs) G C' pc maxs mpc rT ini et at =
  ((Suc pc < mpc &
    (ALL C:set (match_any G pc et).
        the (match_exception_table G C pc et) < mpc)) &
   (ALL s:at.
       EX apTs X ST LT rT' b' z.
          s = ((rev apTs @ X # ST, LT), z) &
          mn = init &
          length apTs = length fpTs &
          is_class G C &
          (ALL (aT, fT):set (zip apTs fpTs). G |- aT <=i Init fT) &
          method (G, C) (mn, fpTs) = Some (C, rT', b') &
          ((EX pc. X = UnInit C pc) | X = PartInit C' & G |- C' <=C1 C & ¬ z) &
          Ball (set (match_any G pc et)) (is_class G)))

Code generator setup

lemma xcpt_app_lemma:

  xcpt_app i G pc et = list_all (is_class G) (xcpt_names (i, G, pc, et))


  succs (Ret x) pc s = tolist (theRA x ` s)


  norm_eff i G pc pc' at =
  eff_bool i G pc `
  (if isRet i then set_filter (%s. pc' = theRA (theIdx i) s) at else at)


  app' (Ifcmpeq b, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, Init ts # Init ts' # ST, LT) =
  (0 <= int pc + b &
   (if isPrimT ts then ts' = ts else True) &
   (if isRefT ts then isRefT ts' else True))


  app' (Invoke_special C mn fpTs, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, s) =
  (length fpTs < length (fst s) &
   mn = init &
   (let apTs = rev (take (length fpTs) (fst s)); X = fst s ! length fpTs
    in is_class G C &
       list_all2 (%aT fT. G |- aT <=i Init fT) apTs fpTs &
       method (G, C) (mn, fpTs) ~= None &
       (let (C'', rT', b) = the (method (G, C) (mn, fpTs))
        in C = C'' & (isUninitC X C | X = PartInit C' & G |- C' <=C1 C))))


  app' (Ret x, G, C', pc, maxs, rT, ST, LT) =
  (x < length LT & isOKInitRA (LT ! x))


  app i G C' pc mxs mpc rT ini et at =
  ((ALL (s, z):at.
       xcpt_app i G pc et &
       app' (i, G, C', pc, mxs, rT, s) &
       (if ini & i = Return then z else True) &
       (if isInv_spcl i & fst s ! pLen i = PartInit C' then ¬ z else True)) &
   (ALL (pc', s'):set (eff i G pc et at). pc' < mpc))


  eff_bool i G pc =
  (%((ST, LT), z).
      (eff' (i, G, pc, ST, LT),
       if isInv_spcl i & mNam i = init & isPartInit (ST ! pLen i) then True
       else z))


  app i G C' pc mxs mpc rT ini et at ==
  (ALL (s, z):at.
      xcpt_app i G pc et &
      app' (i, G, C', pc, mxs, rT, s) &
      (ini & i = Return --> z) &
      (ALL C m p.
          i = Invoke_special C m p & fst s ! length p = PartInit C' --> ¬ z)) &
  (ALL (pc', s'):set (eff i G pc et at). pc' < mpc)
  xcpt_app i G pc et == Ball (set (xcpt_names (i, G, pc, et))) (is_class G)