Theory Type

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theory Type = JBasis:
(*  Title:      HOL/MicroJava/J/Type.thy
    ID:         $Id: Type.html,v 1.1 2002/11/28 14:17:20 kleing Exp $
    Author:     David von Oheimb
    Copyright   1999 Technische Universitaet Muenchen

header {* \isaheader{Java types} *}

theory Type = JBasis:

typedecl cnam 

 -- "exceptions"
  = NullPointer
  | ClassCast
  | OutOfMemory

-- "class names"
datatype cname  
  = Object 
  | Xcpt xcpt 
  | Cname cnam 

typedecl vnam   -- "variable or field name"
typedecl mname  -- "method name"

-- "names for @{text This} pointer and local/field variables"
datatype vname 
  = This
  | VName vnam

-- "primitive type, cf. 4.2"
datatype prim_ty 
  = Void          -- "'result type' of void methods"
  | Boolean
  | Integer
  | RetA nat      -- "bytecode return addresses"

-- "reference type, cf. 4.3"
datatype ref_ty   
  = NullT         -- "null type, cf. 4.1"
  | ClassT cname  -- "class type"

-- "any type, cf. 4.1"
datatype ty 
  = PrimT prim_ty -- "primitive type"
  | RefT  ref_ty  -- "reference type"

  NT    :: "ty"
  Class :: "cname  => ty"
  RA    :: "nat => ty"

  "NT"      == "RefT NullT"
  "Class C" == "RefT (ClassT C)"
  "RA pc"   == "PrimT (RetA pc)"

text {* 
For object initialization in the JVM, we tag each location with the
current init status. The tags use an extended type system for object
We have either  
\item usual initialized types, or
\item a class that is not yet initialized and has been created
      by a @{text New} instruction at a certain line number, or 
\item a partly initialized class (on which the next super class 
      constructor has to be called). We store the name of the class
      the superclass constructor has to be called of.
datatype init_ty = Init ty | UnInit cname nat | PartInit cname
